Charity and community projects

If you are applying for funding as a charity or as a start up business its all about making an great impression and doing it better than your competition.  Video will do that.

Why tell them when you can show them how great you are and why you should be awarded the funding?

  • Show them your idea
  • Show them how the funding will help
  • Show them what you have achieved
  • To the right is a video we recently made for a charity funding bid.  They got the funding! 

    As a result we produced a FREE course for small charities in a big digital world.


We have produced videos for the NHS and other healthcare organisations.  This is a great example of our belief in action. 

“Why does learning have to expand to fit the time allotted to it?”

Watch the video to see the outcome of one of our projects for the NHS.

Be Honest

Ask yourself this. 
How much money or time have you spent on advertising,  marketing experts or social media over the years?


Think like your customer

Do you like being force fed adverts?
How many times have you pressed the "Skip Ad" on YouTube
Do you watch TV for the commercials?



The real skill with making video is not taking the pictures but editing it all together.  Ben, in this video, took our course that shows business how to do it using just a smart phone.

He uploaded his video part and we did the rest.  See how it was done here.

Moral of this story is Ben had spent a considerable amount of money on advertising with little result.  This video opened doors to new clients almost instantly.  Simple reason.

It’s a good story, well told.

When you can see the business owner, hear the story and see the product you have a very powerful business tool.



Imagine if you arrived at your holiday accommodation after a long drive, throw the suitcase on the bed, go to the window and get an instant introduction to the area and discounts to local attractions. 

That’s a great customer experience and even better for the local economy.

Imagine going to a museum or place of historical interest and getting local knowledge in the palm of your hand.  As far back as 2012 we were providing bite sized audio and video clips using QR codes and NFC tags.

Great for local attractions as you only need to create the content once!

Customer service

rail industry

InterCity RailFreight use existing passenger trains to move high value items around the UK.  Clever idea!

But how do you train staff regardless of location, keep that learning up to date and supply a full audit trail for the regulatory authority. 

You guessed it

Who says learning cant be fun?

These are the outtakes of a days filming for the industry recognised WorlHost Customer Service Course we produced.

It’s not as scary as you might think!



Lets talk about your ideas

If you don't have any don't panic we have loads
Just do this

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