Coffee cup training
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What we do
We are believers in mobile / online learning using short fun video features.
We can either produce them for you or show you how to make your own.
We can host your training on our learning management system or show you how to get one of your own.

Why we do it
We believe that learning does not have to fit the time allotted to it.
How many times have you been told it’s a one day / one week course?
Why shouldn’t you be able to learn in your own time when it suits you?

The business case for learning
Learning helps you
build strong relationships with your clients, volunteers and customers
Learning helps you
make your audience fall in love with your business or charity
Learning helps you
grow your business or charity it's and more cost effective than advertising
Does it work?
Ever visited YouTube to see how something is done or can be fixed? Why tell someone when you can show them?
It works take a look here.

Who does this work for?

The public and private sector and the voluntary sector.
In short anyone who sees the potential. If you have an idea drop us a line we are always happy to listen to new ideas.
Healthcare, food producers, law firms, logistics companies, railways, customer service companies, other training companies.
The proof of the pudding as they say
Latest news

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